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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (96 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

(empty) (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#96 Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#95 SplashLogo Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#94 Split Covariance/Shape Covariance Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#93 Signal in SampleSettings Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#92 MinimiserLog Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#91 IterationTree Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#90 Second flux histogram Cleaning new defect minor somebody Aug 9, 2017
#89 Weird output file issues Cleaning new defect minor somebody Aug 9, 2017
#88 Bad ParticleMom in SaveEvents Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#87 InputHandler->Write() Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#86 Error Bars From Con Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#85 Shape Covariance Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#84 Remove Covariance Scaling Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#83 Old set data functions Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#82 Utils are a mess Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#81 splines segfault Cleaning new defect major somebody Aug 9, 2017
#80 GiBUU build needs to check gfortran version for compat Feature new defect trivial lp208 Jul 20, 2017
#77 Error bands for validation Cleaning new enhancement minor somebody May 20, 2017
#62 ParseInputFile for multiple inputs problem component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Feb 9, 2017
#70 T2K CC0pi STV phase space bug Code closed fixed defect major lp208 Feb 7, 2017
#66 test ticket component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 13, 2017
#63 NuWro Parameters sometimes cut off component1 new defect major somebody Jan 12, 2017
#33 Unfilled variables component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Nov 3, 2016
#2 Clean up config component1 closed duplicate task minor somebody Oct 31, 2016
#19 Command line option ignored component1 closed invalid defect minor somebody Oct 29, 2016
#11 Consistent signaldefs component1 closed fixed 1.0 defect major somebody Oct 29, 2016
#13 SignalDefs don't use helper functions component1 closed fixed defect minor somebody Oct 29, 2016
#21 Odd behaviour in logger for VERBOSITY = -1 component1 closed fixed 1.0 defect trivial somebody Oct 27, 2016
#14 Absolute tweak dials component1 closed fixed 1.0 enhancement major cwilkinson Oct 26, 2016
#18 NuBro includes snuck into PrepareGENIE.cxx component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Oct 25, 2016
#10 Odd behaviour if input file doesn't exist component1 closed invalid 1.0 defect minor somebody Oct 25, 2016

Sometime later (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#79 Check NuWro -> NEUT mode converter Feature new 2.0 defect major lp208 Jun 5, 2017
#78 Handle windows LE Code new 2.0 defect minor somebody Jun 2, 2017

Tuning paper, vxry (37 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#75 Remove ERR(FTL) for event manager? Cleaning closed fixed defect major somebody Aug 10, 2017
#52 Add sequential option to nuiscomp component1 closed fixed enhancement minor somebody Aug 10, 2017
#72 Checks in -q options Code closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#68 logging/error verbosity component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#50 Add -t option to nuisflat Feature closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#38 MC Error Bands for TH2D Feature closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#27 Sort Covariance/Data Reads Cleaning closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#4 Add app to merge MC files component1 closed fixed task trivial somebody Jul 26, 2017
#76 Bubble chamber CC-inclusive Samples new enhancement major somebody Feb 23, 2017
#74 Pimpify the output canvas Feature new enhancement major somebody Feb 8, 2017
#51 Add ANL/BNL no W cut, no correction component1 closed fixed enhancement minor Clarence Wret Feb 7, 2017
#71 Checks in nuissys Feature new defect major somebody Feb 5, 2017
#34 Error bands need a lot of throws component1 new enhancement major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#37 MC Fine Error bands Feature new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#43 fit_header not saving parameters Feature new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#61 Card parser white space Code new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#67 Can't build without generators Code new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#69 NUISANCE accept BANFF output Feature new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#7 Some Utils are very experiment-centric Cleaning new 1.0 enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#12 EventManager SignalDef component1 new enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#28 Add generator "how-to" component1 new enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#29 Update "experimental data" on wiki Documentation new enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#36 GENIE Target Info component1 new defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#39 Add FNAL CC1pi- component1 assigned task minor Clarence Wret Jan 22, 2017
#41 Reconfigure output looks worrying Cleaning new defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#42 Add BNL multi-pi component1 assigned task minor Clarence Wret Jan 22, 2017
#48 Method arguments should take (const) references where possible component1 new task minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#49 Lots of cloned THXs where the original pointer is lost component1 new task minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#53 Noisy GiBUU compilation Cleaning new defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#60 Remove FitWeight *rw from sample constructor component1 new enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#3 NUANCE Norm component1 new task trivial somebody Jan 22, 2017
#1 Remove old parameters from fitconfig component1 closed fixed 1.0 defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#6 Move SignalDefs into experimental folders component1 closed fixed 1.0 task minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#26 A method in Measurement1D has special behaviour for one derived class... component1 closed fixed defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#40 Add T2K CC1pi+ H2O component1 closed fixed task minor Clarence Wret Jan 22, 2017
#46 Joint Measurements + EventManager component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#57 MINERvA_CC1pi0_XSec_1DQ2_antinu_2016_data has a very low chi2 (~0.003) p.103 component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017

v1r0 (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#65 MINERvA CCNpi+/- in NEUT component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jul 26, 2017
#64 v1r0 Issues component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Feb 28, 2017
#73 MINERvA CC*pi errorbands not filling histogram Cleaning closed fixed defect major somebody Feb 8, 2017
#30 Write NUISCOMP Documentation Documentation new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#31 Write NUISMIN documentation Documentation new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#32 Write PrepareGENIE documentation Documentation new defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#5 Add ROOT files for all the fluxes component1 closed fixed 1.0 enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#8 GENIE is too noisy component1 closed fixed 1.0 enhancement trivial somebody Jan 22, 2017
#9 LHAPATH needs to be defined component1 closed fixed 1.0 defect trivial lp208 Jan 22, 2017
#15 Use Logger consistently component1 closed fixed 1.0 task minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#16 Unnecessary(?) warnings when running with ErrorBands component1 closed fixed 1.0 defect trivial pstowell Jan 22, 2017
#17 FlatTree ScaleFactor 0.0 component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#20 Remove use of NEW option in MINERvA Classes component1 closed fixed defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#22 Hard coded constants duplicated in lots of places. component1 closed fixed enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#23 Add NPDG function to FitEvent component1 closed fixed enhancement minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#24 MINERvA CCQE New Flux Problem component1 closed fixed defect minor somebody Jan 22, 2017
#25 output overwriting cardfile component1 closed fixed defect minor lp208 Jan 22, 2017
#35 MINERvA Giving weird low chi2 component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#44 FluxUnfoldedScaling resolution tweaking component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#45 MINERvA CCNpi+ Tpi dist component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#47 Change how JOINT inputs are specified in the cardfile component1 closed fixed 1.0 enhancement major lp208 Jan 22, 2017
#54 MINERvA_CCQE_XSec_1DQ2_nu_data has a crazy high chi2 component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#55 - MINERvA_CC0pi_XSec_1DQ2_nu_proton_data has a crazy low chi2 component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#56 MINERvA_CCQE_XSec_1DQ2_antinu_data has a very low chi2 (~0.3) component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#58 The 2D Enu distributions do not match the data at high Enu... component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
#59 New flux unfolding puts kinks in the MiniBooNE CC1pip Enu distribution component1 closed fixed defect major somebody Jan 22, 2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.