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Version 4 (modified by Clarence Wret, 8 years ago) (diff)



Usage Examples

This wiki outlines some potential usages for NUISANCE.

If you haven't yet build the framework, do so here.

The card file

NUISANCE requires the user providing an input card file which species:

  • The data sample(s) to compare to
  • The generators and their file locations
  • Any additional parameters that a sample might take (optional)
  • A normalisation factor to apply uniformly to the MC (optional)

When the generator provides a reweighting interface, systematic parameters to reweight or fit can be provided. To do this we need:

  • Name of the systematic parameter in the reweighting engine
  • Current value of the parameter
  • Minimum value of the parameter (optional)
  • Maximum value of the parameter (optional)
  • Starting value of the parameter (optional)
  • Whether we FIX or FREE the parameter

All NUISANCE executables run based on the card file, except for when producing generator flat trees.



Making a flat-tree from the generators