Version 7 (modified by 7 years ago) (diff) | ,
Tuning page for 2017 fits
- Callum: GENIE dials
- Phil and Callum used
- kXSecTwkDial_NormCCRES
- kXSecTwkDial_MaCCRES
- kXSecTwkDial_RvpCC1pi
- kXSecTwkDial_RvnCC1pi
- Phil and Callum used
- Clarence: NEUT dials and good data-sets
- NEUT dials
- CA5
- I½
- Could include Minoo's model? Maybe a little crazy and should be left as another paper
- Minoo and I are likely to do a data/MC + tuning paper for her model which we will label as "made by team NUISANCE".
- NEUT dials
- Everyone: Think about data-sets and tell Clarence he's wrong
- Patrick: Beer
General idea:
- Usual sigma(Enu) and Nevt/dQ2
- Use different data-sets (W < 1.4, W < 2.0, ANL only, BNL only)
- Use kitchen-sink data including the kinematic distributions in shape only
Patrick suggestions:
- ANL/BNL CC1pip W < 1.4 GeV : Enu+Q2 : MaRES+CA5 (already done, this is the NuFact? fit)
- ANL/BNL CC1pip W < 2.0 GeV : Enu+Q2: MaRES+CA5
- ANL/BNL All Channels W < 2.0 GeV : Enu+Q2 : MaRES+CA5
- ANL/BNL All Channels W < 2.0 GeV : Enu + Q2 : MaRES + CA5 + I1/2
- ANL/BNL All Channels W < 2.0 GeV : All datasets (minuts phi and adler) : MaRES + CA5 + I1/2
Clarence would add in doing a ANL W < 1.4 GeV only, including all distributions. Possibly add in the BNL W < 1.4 GeV too but only available for CC1pi+1p.
Also demonstrate the impact of choosing the BNL flux?
Maybe add in GGM?
Then try MiniBooNE 2D cosmu pmu