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Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of HowToUseNUISCOMP-GENIE

Jun 12, 2017, 6:34:00 PM (7 years ago)
Patrick Stowell




    v4 v5  
    348 With this new card file we can then run our comparisons again,
     348With this new card file we can then run our comparisons again, but this time save the output to a different file
     350$ nuiscomp -c genie_tutorial.card -o genie_samples_reweighted.root
     352[LOG Fitter]: Starting nuiscomp.exe
     356[LOG Fitter]: Setting up nuiscomp
     357[LOG Fitter]: Number of parameters :  2
     358[LOG Fitter]: Read genie_parameter : MaCCRES = 1 :
     359[LOG Fitter]: Read genie_parameter : NormCCRES = -1 :
     363[LOG Fitter]: Setting up FitWeight Engine
     364[LOG Fitter]: Registed Dial Enum : MaCCRES 5 5011
     365[LOG Fitter]: Setting up GENIE RW : genierw
     369[LOG Reconf]:--- Starting Reconfigure iter. 0
     370[LOG Reconf]:--- Event Manager Reconfigure
     371[LOG Reconf]:--- MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu : Processed 0 events. [M, W] = [33, 1]
     372[LOG Reconf]:--- MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu : Processed 500000 events. [M, W] = [13, 1]
     373[LOG Reconf]:--- MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu : Processed 1000000 events. [M, W] = [13, 1]
     374[LOG Reconf]:--- MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu : Processed 1500000 events. [M, W] = [11, 1.17986]
     375[LOG Reconf]:--- MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu : Processed 2000000 events. [M, W] = [51, 1]
     379[LOG Minmzr]:- Writing each of the data classes...
     380[LOG Sample]:-- Written Histograms: MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu
     381[LOG Sample]:-- Written Histograms: MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTu_nu
     382[LOG Fitter]: ------------------------------------ -
     383[LOG Fitter]: Comparison Complete.
     384[LOG Fitter]: ------------------------------------ -
     387You might have noticed that now during the event processing stage, the values [M, W] correspond to the [Mode, Weight] for the event processed at that point, and that now we have added reweight dials, the weights are not always equal to 1.0.
     389Now lets open up both our comparison files and compare the outputs
     391$ root genie_samples.root genie_samples_reweighted.root
     392root [2] TBrowser b
     395We now have two files with the exact same structure, the only differences between these will be the values given in each of the MC histograms.
     399If we compare the MiniBooNE_CC1pip_XSec_1DTpi_nu_MC histograms on a single plot against the data we can see that the normalisation of the reweighed prediction has shifted upwards, and the likelihood for that prediction given the data has gotten worse as a result.