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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of HowToNeut

Sep 14, 2016, 10:24:39 PM (8 years ago)
Clarence Wret



  • HowToNeut

    v1 v2  
    33This page aims to outline how to use NEUT to create a sample of interactions on your favourite target. We'll also outline how to feed this generated sample through the NUISANCE framework and get good results.
     6== Compiling NEUT and running neutsmpl ==
     8The main neutrino-nucleus interaction generator lives in src/neutsmpl/neutroot. NEUT has two dependecies: ROOT and the lesser known CERNLIB. You need to have $ROOTSYS, $CERN and $CERN_LEVEL environment variables set-up to compile NEUT. Compilation is done (somewhat inconveniently) by running ./Makeneutsmpl in src/neutsmpl/. This calls a host of makefiles, sets up symlinks and so on. If you want to fix this and have the time, please contact us or Hayato-san.
     10Running the main executable is done by ./neutroot CARD_FILE.card OUTPUT_ROOT_FILE.root, where CARD_FILE.card is a card file compliant with your chosen NEUT version, and OUTPUT_ROOT_FILE.root is the output file where the events are to be saved.
     12Hot tip: NEUT can be quite verbose and you might want to pipe the output to file (or /dev/null...) rather than dump it to screen. This can actually speed up NEUT considerably.
     14== Structure of card files: ==