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Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of HowToAddSample

Jan 5, 2017, 1:52:44 PM (8 years ago)
Clarence Wret



  • HowToAddSample

    v3 v4  
    55This is an informal step-by-step guide on how to add samples into the NUISANCE framework.
    7 Using: NUISANCE v1r0, NEUT 5.3.6
     7Versions: NUISANCE v1r0, NEUT 5.3.6
    99For this tutorial I'll be adding the T2K CC1pi+ H2O data. The data comes from [ the T2K site] and [ arxiv]. The data is supplied both in a ROOT file and a number of .csv files; I'll be using the ROOT file here.
    2727The T2K CC1pi+ H2O data release contains various distributions in FIG 4. In this tutorial I'll look at adding one kinematic distribution and one derived distribution: p_mu and E^{rec}_nu.
    29 Generally speaking, we try to add all available distributions in a publication. However some distributions will have detector effects "folded" into them (i.e. they will be raw detector-level data). We can only use these if there is some method (e.g. a smearing matrix) which bring detector-level variables (e.g. p_mu seen in the detector) to truth-level variable (e.g. p_mu seen after correcting for the detector effects).
     29Generally speaking, we try to add all available distributions in a publication. Some distributions will have detector effects "folded" into them (i.e. they will be raw detector-level data). We can only use these if there is some method which bring detector-level variables (e.g. p_mu seen in the detector) to truth-level variable (e.g. p_mu seen after correcting for the detector effects).