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Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of HowToAddSample

Jan 5, 2017, 3:54:43 PM (8 years ago)
Clarence Wret



  • HowToAddSample

    v16 v17  
    5151Some automatic processing is done on loading up the samples to set up generator scaling factors, chi2 calculations and so on. These are simple string comparisons done in the base class constructors, but do '''place responsibility on the user'''.
    53 The structure is '''`Experiment_Measurement_Target_DataType_DimensionVar_Neutrino`''':
     53The structure is `Experiment_Measurement_Target_DataType_DimensionVar_Neutrino`:
    5555 * `Experiment` is the experiment (for us T2K)
    6060 * `Neutrino` is the neutrino type (for us `nu`)
    62 Out of these, string comparisons are only made on `DataType` and `DimensionVar`. The others are simply there to adhere to some standard and keep samples tidy.
     62Out of these, string comparisons are only made on `DataType` and `DimensionVar`. The other identifiers exist to adhere to some standard and keep sample naming tidy and consistent.
    64 Following the above convention, we end up with `T2K_CC1pip_H2O_XSec_1Dpmu_nu` which I'm happy with: there is no question about what the class describes and there is no way of confusing it with other measurements.
     64''''What to do:''''
     65Following the above convention, we end up with `T2K_CC1pip_H2O_XSec_1Dpmu_nu` which I'm happy with: '''there is no question about what the class describes and there is no way of confusing it with other samples.'''
    66 === Placing the sample ===
     68=== Placing the sample in a directory ===
     70As with many packages, NUISANCE has source code in the `src` directory. We then have a directory for each experiment inside `src`, e.g. `src/T2K`, `src/MINERvA`, and so on.
     72The applications using the `src` files go in the `app` directory. However, including a new sample does not involve changing anything there, so let's ignore it for the purpose of this tutorial.
     75''''What to do:''''
     76Make the new files `src/T2K/T2K_CC1pip_H2O_XSec_1Dpmu_nu.cxx` and `src/T2K/T2K_CC1pip_H2O_1Dpmu_nu.h`.
     78=== Placing the data ===
     80The data
    6883=== Setting up the inheritance ===