= NUISCOMP = The NUISANCE comparison application can be used to generate MC predictions that can be directly compared with published scatter data by automatically selecting the correct event topologies from a provided event sample and binning them to match the data. [[PageOutline(1-3,Wiki content,inline,numbered)]] == Running NUISCOMP == {{{ #!div class="important" '''Author:''' Patrick Stowell '''Date:''' June 2017 '''Versions:''' `NUISANCE v2r0`, `GENIE 2.12.6` }}} The following example details how to run NUISANCE and produce MiniBooNE pion production comparisons to a generator of choice. Each generator requires very slightly different ways to handle NUISANCE, therefore multiple versions of this tutorial have been provided. Please use the following links to choose what generator you would like to use. - [wiki:HowToUseNUISCOMP-GENIE I want to use GENIE] - [wiki:HowToUseNUISCOMP-NuWro I want to use NuWro] - [wiki:HowToUseNUISCOMP-NEUT I want to use NEUT] = Useful NUISCOMP Commands = There are also additional card file arguments and run time arguments that can be used with nuiscomp to help with debugging or performing slightly different comparisons. == Restricting the number of events == The "-n" flag is included as a quick way to override the configuration value 'MAXEVENTS'. When set to anything other than -1 this parameter will restrict the maximum number of events read from each MC file, reducing the time taken to run, but enhancing statistical uncertainty. ** Example 1 ** : Limit the number of events to 5000 {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root -n 5000 }}} ** Example 2 ** : Limit the number of events to 1E6 {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root -n 1000000 }}} ** Example 3 ** : Limit the number of events to 1E6 {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root -q MAXEVENTS=1000000 }}} ** Example 4 ** : Run with the default limit given in 'parameters/config.xml' {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root }}} ** Example 5 ** : Run with no event limit {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root -n -1 }}} ** Example 6 ** : Run with no event limit {{{ $ nuiscomp -c samples.card -o samples.root -q MAXEVENTS=-1 }}} == Overriding config options == == Specifying fake data == == Increasing/Decreasing Verbosity == nuiscomp -c cardfile.xml [ -o outputfile.root ] [ -f routines ] [ -n maxevents ] [ -i 'cardstructure' ] [ -d fakedata ] [ -q config=val ] [ +e/-e ] [ +v/-v ]